The importance of non-digital media in junior primary education

Thee importance of non-digital teaching media or aids Non-digital teaching media refers to not relating to the use of computers, the internet or other digital technology. 1. Chalkboards As at teacher, I can easily deliver the subject by writing on chalkboard. I can easily add and erase if I committed an error in writing something. I will present the lesson by writing on the chalkboard. The benefits of using a chalkboard as a teaching aid A chalkboard will help me as a a teacher to take visible cues from learners. It is more easier for learners to understand what is being taught and to have better knowledge of what English and Oshindonga have to do with. It also help learners to ask questions were they don't understand or a certain thing is not clear on the chalkboard. Learners will end up passing well when using chalkboard a a teaching aid or media. Less confusion among learners as they are learning with understanding . As a teacher I can immediately address learner's body la...