The importance of non-digital media in junior primary education

 Thee importance of non-digital teaching media or aids

Non-digital teaching media refers to not relating to the use of computers, the internet or other digital technology.

1. Chalkboards

As at teacher, I can easily deliver the subject by writing on chalkboard. I can easily add and erase if I committed an error in writing something. I will present the lesson by writing on the chalkboard.

The benefits of using a chalkboard as a teaching aid

A chalkboard will help me as a a teacher to take visible cues from learners. It is more easier for learners to understand what is being taught and to have better knowledge of what English and Oshindonga have to do with. It also help learners to ask questions were they don't understand or a certain thing is not clear on the chalkboard. Learners will end up passing well when using chalkboard a a teaching aid or media. Less confusion among learners as they are learning with understanding . As a teacher I can immediately address learner's body language and facial expressions that suggest confusion about the material. Teaching with a chalk is especially an advantage for teachers  of learners with mixed learning abilities.

How my leaners and I will make use of a chalkboard in a classroom?

I will keep the chalkboard clean by telling my learners not to write unnecessary things on it. Learners will only write on the chalkboard when I instructed them to do so. I will plan my lesson properly so that when I go to the class I will not write irrelevant material which can waste time. I will write or draw large enough for everyone  in the class to see. In my class there will be chalks, rulers, erasers, cleaning clothes, and other aids readily available to avoid interruption of the lesson.

2. Textbooks

I will make notes all over my textbooks. I will translate keywords over textbooks to make sure that learners will understand them. I will also give learners  story books to read and will tell them to build vocabulary lists and I will also ask them to tell me what the story they read was all about. I will give learners textbooks of English and Oshindonga to do the activity about about a certain topic that I taught them, I will also make my own notes on paper using textbooks and external sources. I will know the textbook references and highlights the textbook carefully before giving them to learners.

The benefits of using a textbook as a no-digital teaching media

The use of textbook in junior primary education will help learners to know how to read and it provides a set visuals. It also save time as textbooks contain activities for learners to do as a teacher will not come up with his/her own activities anymore and teachers will not set tests anymore as some textbooks includes texts or evaluation tools. It provides teacher with a basic for assessing student's learning.

How learners and I will make use of a textbook in a classroom? 

Textbooks are especially helpful for begging teachers and I will check out all the plans and lessons to cover in textbooks. I will read stories to the class and ask them questions about what is said in the story. I will familiarize my learners with textbook by telling them how to use the textbook and I will make my learners to sit in pairs about a certain thing in the textbook and I will go through the curriculum resources of the textbooks as a teacher. I will select pictures from textbooks to use for picture word Inductive Model lessons and the textbook will be converted passages into read aloud or think aloud with follow-up speaking using reading comprehension strategies. I will also take dialogues contained in textbooks and personalize them based on learners interests and experiences. My learners will work in pairs to use a textbook dialogue as a model to write and perform their own dialogue. Have student review the textbooks( English and Oshindonga) by selecting what they think is the best chapter or page and then worst and tell me why they saying so.

Reference List


  1. Good writing but take not that is NOT how we reference materials from a website

  2. This is great, but make use of more pictures to explain your points.


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